WP Staging Pro - OneClick Solution for Creating Staging Sites

WP Staging Pro - OneClick Solution for Creating Staging Sites v5.7.0

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Decryption key:

  • New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.4
  • New: Automatic login to staging site after initial creation by creating a temporary login. #3198
  • New: Add option to run backup in background without keeping browser open. #3286
  • Security: Sanitize parameters in remote storage settings to prevent possible path traversal and executing of potential malicious code. #3461
  • Enh: Add support for Wordfence 2FA authentication in the WP Staging login form. #3358
  • Enh: Refactor dropbox and google drive sign in buttons. (Pro) #3405
  • Enh: Reducing plugin size by minifying js and css files and removing map files. #3279
  • Enh: Redesign plugin deactivation feedback form. #3000
  • Enh: Hide sensitive values in system info. #3447
  • Fix: Improve reliability and robustness of the background processor: Stalled actions will automatically be cancelled if they are in processing state for more than 15 mins. #3454
  • Fix: Backup by URl throws error “Invalid backup file content”. #3404
  • Fix: Standalone restorer randomly terminated while restoring large files. #3348
  • Fix: The backup version of WP Staging Restore is not up to date. #3425
  • Fix: Refactor the contact form. New default options for sending backup log files and accepting privacy policy. #3370
  • Fix: Ensure listing of remote backups and uploading of local backups to cloud storage works correctly. #3434
Decryption key:

  • New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.3
  • New: Implemented dark mode UX with options to switch between ‘Default OS Mode’, ‘Lite Mode’ and ‘Dark Mode’ #3261
  • New: Now you can restore backup of single site and/or multisite subsite to self or another multisite subsite. (Pro) #3240
  • New: Allow user to push all folders under (/wp-content/). #2760
  • New: Add the a new user role ‘visitor’ to share login link option. (Pro) #3332
  • Enh: Add type hinting for ProTemplateIncluder. #3337
  • Enh: Make sure to prevent other plugins from injecting their messages into WP Staging UI. #3364 #3036
  • Fix: Keep cloud storage connected to Google Drive even if files listing from remote storage fails. (Pro) #3347
  • Enh: Revamped system-info page, ‘Purge Backup Queue’ modal and moved JavaScript code to a separate file. #3262
  • Enh: Automatically exclude uploads folder during push if it is a symlink. #2989
  • Fix: Sync User Account feature duplicates existing user as administrator role. #3311
  • Fix: Backup restore stuck on importing users for subsite when restoring an old backup on single site. #3373
  • Fix: Make sure to handle fatal error due to missing COLLATE while creating ‘wp_wpstg_queue’ table for scheduled backup. #3359
  • Fix: Hide the ‘wp-content/wp-staging-sites’ folder from staging site directory selection, as it is always excluded during cloning. #3267
  • Fix: Show exact error message for open_basedir restriction error if destination directory does not have write permissions. #3116
  • Fix: Memory usage of the staging site is higher than of the live site. #3307
  • Fix: Make sure to only sync production site’s users fields that exist in cloned site’s users table. #3362
  • Fix: Send log files from last 14 days and compress them before sending. Add Contact Us button to error messages. #3323
  • Fix: Make sure to display default login link on custom login form if login is blocked by a security plugin with OTP or 2FA enabled. #3293
  • Fix: Ensure that the All in One Security Plugin (AIOS) isn’t disabled by the wp staging optimizer when AIOS’s salt option is enabled. #3351
  • Fix: Reconnect DB if mysql has gone away during update of queue table. #3354
  • Fix: Create backup folder in google drive, if it does not exist, before uploading to backup cloud provider. #3381
Decryption key:

  • Enh: Show error message if custom selected destination path for staging site will be same as root of live sites folder. #3204
  • Enh: Show better backup logs and warnings if backup fails. #3263
  • Fix: On some server files were not properly extracted. Using a fallback function now. #3272
  • Fix: Fix condition to check custom destination path for staging site on basic version. #3282
  • Fix: Warning “Indirect modification of overloaded elements” of WP_Hook. #3155
  • Dev: Make sure the debug.log is kept clean from unwanted logs when running e2e tests. #3202
  • Dev: Refactor ‘ThirdParty’ namespace changing Framework/Support/ThirdParty to Framework/ThirdParty. #3224

Decryption Key:​

5.4.1 Release March 08, 2024​

  • Enh: Remove files that were false-positive detected as malicious. #3184
  • Fix: Remove two css files accidentially loaded on the frontpage. #3208
  • Fix: Remove standalone installer – Not ready yet. #3218
  • Fix: Make sure to not encode single and double quotes while downloading log files. #3168

Decryption Key:​

5.4.0 Release March 06, 2024​

  • New: Add option to create a new admin user account for your staging site during it’s creation. #3087
  • New: Add option to use non-blocking process for uploading to FTP storage when using FTP extension to upload. #3103
  • New: Add advanced excludes option at WP CLI backup-create command. #3114
  • New: Add ‘Delete Settings’ button within the storage provider interface to facilitate the removal of the cloud provider configuration. #3108
  • New: Add support for Search Replace of urls in content of network subsites. #2960
  • New: Add option on edit staging site page for testing database connection. #3106
  • New: If uploads folder is symlinked exclude it from disk space calculation before creating a staging site. #3092
  • Enh: Update look and feel of backup scheduling modal. #3090
  • Enh: Add page loader for each page of the user interface. #3142
  • Enh: Add new upgrade buttons to header and license page. #3135
  • Enh: Add more information like database name to system information. #3125
  • Enh: Avoid scanning of excluded directories during the push process. #3049
  • Fix: Fatal error on old WordPress 4.4.32 due to using of get_current_network_id(). #3174
  • Fix: Base prefix wrongly replaced for users and usermeta tables in views when creating backup of views in multisite subsite. #3128
  • Fix: Prevent error while directory listing protection due to open_basedir restriction. #3180
  • Fix: Update free version plugin meta description to “Required by WP Staging Pro”. #3171
  • Fix: Remove redundant admin notices for invalid license keys during activation. #3139
  • Security: Fix a potential security error and add better sanitizing for backup title. #3152
  • Fix: Make sure EDD license checks are triggered only once. #3179
  • Fix: Google drive authentication not working properly under all circumstances. #3156
  • Fix: Selected custom tables on a staging site that had a different prefix than the prefix in the wp-config.php could not be pushed anymore. #3170
  • Fix: Prefix for user capabilities was not replaced when creating a backup of network subsite. #3129
  • Fix: The “Prefix” field was empty for listed staging sites if they were created in an external database and the prefix was not specified. #3166
  • Fix: The optimizer setting was shown as disabled, even if it was still active. #3151
  • Fix: Add loading icon beside ‘Refresh License Status’ button and adjusted loading bars on licensing page. #3185
  • Fix: Super (network) admins were not able to login with when network subsite backup was restored on a single site. #3191
  • Fix: Reference Error wpstgPro is not defined during staging site creation on FREE version. #3136
  • Fix: Make sure that backup plugin notice doesn’t overlap Create Staging Site button in UI. #3148
  • Fix: List of active plugins in system info is misleading. #2996
  • Fix: Make sure that mail setting page looks good on all screen resolutions. #3094
  • Fix: Incorrect process modal title for preserving data task. #3130
  • Fix: DRY properties in BackupMetadata and remove error message “trying to hydrate dto errors BackupMetadata::setCurrentNetworkId()” #3199
  • Dev: Update DI52 library to latest version for small performance gain. #3146
  • Dev: Fix missing adminer host on wpstg command. #3120
  • Dev: Load Basic or Pro service provider once other dependencies are loaded. #3160
  • Dev: Populate dev hosts from env variables to add to hosts file. #3122
  • Dev: Add adminer to dev tools for database management. #3112
  • Dev: Fast test fails on GitHub due to the missing of ‘wpstgBackupHeader.txt’ file, checksum needed to be updated each time. #3110
  • Dev: Update Github actions to latest version that uses Node 20 to avoid deprecation message Github CI. #3200

5.3.3 Release February 05, 2024​

  • New: Support for WordPress 6.4.3
  • New: Add filter wpstg.push_excluded_directories to exclude specific folders during push. #3050
  • New: Add ‘Do review link’ to backup success modal after staging site and backup creation. #3085
  • Enh: Reduce number of API calls to wp-staging.com for version number checking. #3091
  • Enh: Add option to use APPEND Mode for uploading backup using FTP from settings UI. #3044
  • Enh: Add loading icon during activation of the free version. #3041
  • Enh: Improve the message when backup has been created with older version of WP Staging. #3033
  • Enh: Make sure the checkbox icon appears at centre on all system. #2920
  • Enh: Make sure that font size and view layout is consistent in staging and reset modal. #3104


* Fix: Catch type errors on properties hydration for Backup Metadata and other backup related tasks. #3072
== Changelog ==

= 5.0.6 =
* Fix: There could be a fatal error after plugin activation on multisites if a plugin uses the filter `site_option_active_sitewide_plugins`. #2785
* Fix: Theme Twenty Twenty Three has a bug that leads to corrupt staging sites. The transient `_transient_wp_core_block_css_files` breaks the css after migrating or creating a new staging site. This transient will be deleted on a freshly created staging site. Related: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-block-styles-not-loading-in-frontend/ #2778
* Dev: Add make command to check class method return type hints #2769
== Changelog ==

= 5.0.2 =
* New: Add more options to wp cli backup-create command #2668
* Enh: Increase log file storing time to 14 days. #2625
* Enh: Add admin notice to explain the new backup feature in free version #2524
* Enh: Enhance free version backup modal UI #2608
* Enh: Don't allow saving empty table prefix for a staging site when using the edit button #2572
* Fix: Use DTO instead of separate file for managing index sizes while creating backup to avoid filesystem lock. #2640
* Fix: Backup creation fails on PHP 8 because unable to get primary key for table. #2629
* Fix: Stop backup restore if no sql query is found to be executed but the backup contains a database to be restored #2560
* Fix: Show admin notice if there is no WordPress table prefix in the database #2586
* Dev: Add changelog entries in dedicated files #2623
* Dev: No changelog needed on release branches #2763
== Changelog ==

= 5.0.2 =
* New: Add more options to wp cli backup-create command #2668
* Enh: Increase log file storing time to 14 days. #2625
* Enh: Add admin notice to explain the new backup feature in free version #2524
* Enh: Enhance free version backup modal UI #2608
* Enh: Don't allow saving empty table prefix for a staging site when using the edit button #2572
* Fix: Use DTO instead of separate file for managing index sizes while creating backup to avoid filesystem lock. #2640
* Fix: Backup creation fails on PHP 8 because unable to get primary key for table. #2629
* Fix: Stop backup restore if no sql query is found to be executed but the backup contains a database to be restored #2560
* Fix: Show admin notice if there is no WordPress table prefix in the database #2586
* Dev: Add changelog entries in dedicated files #2623
* Dev: No changelog needed on release branches #2763

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