Wunderkind - One Page Parallax Drupal 7 Theme

Wunderkind - One Page Parallax Drupal 7 Theme v1.5

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Download Free Wunderkind - One Page Parallax Drupal 7 Theme ThemeForest 7864554
Fully responsive and Multipurpose template based on Bootstrap 3.1. framework. Bootstrap clean, efficient code has a beautiful order to it that is simple to follow, resulting in faster programming and site speed.
Responsive & ready to use Responsive design sections have already been tested on a specific set of browsers and devices, which reduces the work required to launch a website.
Main Features:
  1. Fully Responsive Design
  2. Layout Builder
  3. Visual Shortcodes
  4. Shortcodes
  5. CubePortfolio (8$ value)
  6. Theme Settings
  7. Built with Bootstrap 3.1
  8. Free Web Fonts (rendering perfectly)
  9. Font Awesome Icons
  10. Ion Icons
  11. 4 Home Variations
  12. Stunning Parallax
  13. Extensive Documentation
  14. 15 Premade Color Skins
First release
Last update
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  1. Wunderkind v1.5

    Wunderkind v1.5 - One Page Parallax Drupal 7 Theme Version 1.5 – November 16, 2018 Updated: All...

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