Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders v3.0.2

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Jul 30, 2020
tanierlyons updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders Automatic.css - v2.7.0

== Changelog ==


This is a hotfix to patch an issue with header heights when the XXL breakpoint is enabled.

Fix for XXL Header Height Error on Save
An issue with a missing variable related to header height was preventing users from saving settings on the dashboard when the XXL breakpoint was enabled. This has been resolved.

Tooltip Edits
We’ve updated two tooltips for better accuracy.

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Jul 30, 2020
tanierlyons updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders v2.7.1

== Changelog ==

OCTOBER 24, 2023 - v2.7.1

This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

- Auto BEM fixes
- Color Scheme Switcher fixes
- Form fixes
- Breakout on <figure>: margin now working correctly
- Ribbon default shadow color now uses neutral instead of shade
- Stop triggering calc expansion on certain css properties (grid-area etc.)
- Add missing card-gap and grid classes in Context Menu
- Fix: You do not have...

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Active member
Jul 30, 2020
tanierlyons updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders v2.7.2

== Changelog ==


This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.
WordPress 6.4 compatibility
PHP 8.2 compatibility
Add color palette to Cwicly
Clickable parent no longer prevents editing text in Bricks
Flex-grid classes are no longer generated multiple times
Context menu correctly applies selection--alt class
Form fixes
Added missing option-centering
Disable the context menu in Cwicly until fully supported

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Reactions: JRGWxRxZ


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Jul 30, 2020
MrSam_1 updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders


This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.
  • Flex-Grid breakpoint classes now have the correct specificity​

  • Added support for overriding the button display property​

  • Using CSS comments in settings no longer results in an uncaught AssertionError in ScssPhp/Parser.php:1686​

  • The color scheme switcher is visible again in...​

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Active member
Jul 30, 2020
MrSam_1 updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders


This is the last major release prior to v3.0. This release introduces some powerful and unique new features, adding to the list of features that aren’t available in any other framework.
  • Breakdance Builder Integration (Phase 1)​

  • Content Grid Layout System​

  • Variable Grids​

  • Contextual Color Utilities​

  • Automatic Color Swapping...​

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Active member
Jul 30, 2020
MrSam_1 updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders


This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.
  • Content-grid class now has the correct specificity​

  • Heading colors now apply the correct value​

  • Loom extension no longer creates extra space​

  • Contextual color classes are back​

  • Heading sizes and line heights in Oxygen now produce the correct output​


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Active member
Jul 30, 2020
MrSam_1 updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders

Decryption key:

MARCH 18, 2024


This is a security release that fixes a potential XSS and CSRF vulnerability in our backend. The update won’t impact the layout and styling of your websites, so you can perform it safely.

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Active member
Jul 30, 2020
radityapratama updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders

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This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.
  • Programmatic color scheme protection​

  • Gutenberg styles no longer load in the preview area when "load styling in backend" is disabled​

  • Auto-BEM no longer disrupts Bricks global classes​

  • Section...​

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Active member
Jul 30, 2020
MrSam_1 updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders

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V3.0 is now official! This changelog entry only lists the changes since rc-2. Make sure you review the long list of beta and RC changelog releases for 3.0 prior to this one for the full scope of updates related to v3.0. Always make a backup of your site before upgrading and clear all caches, including server caches and cloudflare prior to submitting any support requests...

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Babiato Lover
Feb 15, 2020
Please update to Version 3.0.1
Update came new version 17 hours ago..

  • Automatic Typography. Anything on your ACSS powered website that contains text, whether it's a heading, paragraph, list, form field, or anything else, follows a perfect mathematical scale in hierarchy through 12 different size options, all of which are automatically & perfectly mobile responsive. Best of all, the entire system is under your command from the Automatic.css dashboard.
  • Automatic Colors. Set your brand colors and ACSS automatically generates six shade variants of each color. Classes give you the ability to color any element (including backgrounds and overlays) with these variants and you can even use them with custom classes and IDs via Automatic.css color utility variables.
  • Automatic Spacing. As is true with typography in ACSS, margins, padding, and gaps all follow a perfect mathematical scale giving you access to six hierarchal spacing values and six hierarchal section spacing values, all of which are automatically responsive. Additionally, spacing utility variables ensure that even completely custom elements have consistent spacing.
  • Automatic Responsive. ACSS uses advanced CSS Clamp and Calc techniques to ensure that all typography, margin, padding, and gaps are perfectly responsive according to the maximum and minimum viewport dimensions of your website. You never have to fiddle with breakpoints, even when you customize the system to fit a specific design and layout.
  • Automatic Grid. ACSS is the first utility framework to offer automatically responsive grids. Set the number of desired columns on desktop and Automatic.css handles the rest. For developers who prefer complete control over their grid at each breakpoint, Automatic.css offers full control via traditional grid utility classes.
  • Automatic Customizability. Think a fully automatic framework locks you in to using the same values on every site? Think again! Automatic.css gives you amazing granular control over typography, spacing, and colors so you can quickly recreate designs from Figma, Sketch, and XD without issue. It's perfect for agencies and teams.
  • Automatic Fallbacks. Not all browsers support Clamp and Calc functions, which are the heart of Automatic.css' responsive nature. No need to worry, though, because Automatic.css has near-perfect fallbacks using Calc for browsers that don't support Clamp, and "pure" fallbacks using rem or px for browsers that don't support Calc. And yes, you have full control over the pure fallback values.


Active member
Jul 30, 2020
Minion01 updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders

Decryption key:

  • Automatic Typography. Anything on your ACSS powered website that contains text, whether it's a heading, paragraph, list, form field, or anything else, follows a perfect mathematical scale in hierarchy through 12 different size options, all of which are automatically & perfectly mobile responsive. Best of all, the entire system is under your command from the Automatic.css dashboard...

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Active member
Jul 30, 2020
Minion01 updated Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders with a new update entry:

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders

Decryption key:

  • Automatic Typography. Anything on your ACSS powered website that contains text, whether it's a heading, paragraph, list, form field, or anything else, follows a perfect mathematical scale in hierarchy through 12 different size options, all of which are automatically & perfectly mobile responsive. Best of all, the entire system is under your command from the Automatic.css dashboard...

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