First I should mention I am a women, not a "dude", however i think it has nothing to do with luck, but everything to do with knowlegde, how much time you put into something, and hard work.
Do you think that all the extremely successfull people such as Richard Branson & Warren buffett, are lucky to be billionaires?
They are not. They have both, (and this goes for almost anyone that is extremely successfull), failed 99 times before they finally got the correct formular for success, and now building empires. Well,. Richard Branson is havine some money issues due to the coronavirus now but my point is the same either way.
People that have the mindset that someone else is lucky just because they themselves cannot do something, is having the wrong mentality. The truth is, that you are just not good enough, smart enough, talented enough, or intelligent enough, or simply too lazy at this moment in time.
If you study, keep believing, keep trying, never giving up, and do the required 18 hours per day of actual hard work every single day, to build your business, you will in the end get there, i have no doubt. But the truth is you are 99,9% sure not doing that. You are spending 1-3 hours, then look facebook.. That is not how to build a secure future, and a good life.
I know my last comment about being stupid and lazy was bad (please not take it personal, i do not know you
), but let me give you an example of what i am thinking:
I have a friend that loves going to the gym that also wants a business.
He tell me he spend 3 hours in the gym, and he train this and that, and so on.. I look at him, and say, this is less than a normal routine, anyone would do in 1 hours time, why did it take you 3 hours. For him, he feel like he work hard, but really he look phone 90% of the time.
He also mentioned to me and my husbond, we are so lucky to have an "amazing" life (We have ok, not amazing life), and so on..
I tell him start a business, we will help you. What business are you interested in. He say he want to have a small thai restaurant and he lkes to cook. I come original from Thailand so i offer to help teach him to cook thai dishes, and i send him offer for a cheap little nice shop he could rent that have everything he needs to open his shop inside already. Only need a sign, and he has to go register the business. He say it is too hard, and it seem like a lot of work.
Then he say "why i am not lucky same you guys". and he goes back to the gym.
Some people simply do not understand the sacrifices needed to build a business., and if they did they would say no thank you.
I think t is because people look In instagram and think if you just follow these 7 steps in 3 days you will have 1 billion. That is only in instagram. not in the real world.