How To Manually Submit Your Blog Posts To Search Engine


Apr 3, 2019
the first thing you're going to ask is “How to get your blog on Google?” You might want to consider the idea of getting it indexed or listed on Google search engine.

In some cases, it might take several weeks before Google decides to index your blog. In fact, some people are having really hard time getting their new blog indexed by Google.

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I've actually done a lot of researching over the past couple of months on how to get your blog on Google and I've finally found out that you can actually do it in less than 24 hours.

How Submit Blog to Google?
Submitting blog to Google is just EASY. Just follow these 6 steps:

1 – Add your blog to Google Webmaster Tools
Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) is a place where you can gather some information about your blog or site. Google will crawl your blog and tell if you have any problems (poor code, bad host, spammy links etc…)

It's a great place to start off and I can't recognize any reason why you shouldn't add your blog to the Google Webmaster Tools. Feel free to visit Webmaster Tools once a month to make sure that Google still “loves” your blog and everything is working properly. I'm doing this, and you should, too.

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After adding your site make sure you'll use the option called “Fetch as Google” – This will make sure that every page of your blog will get indexed by Google. What I mean by “indexed” is that Google search engine users are able to find your blog through their search queries and keywords.

If you get stuck adding your site to GWT or don't find the Fetch button, see this video below (really in-depth):

Hold up, you think it's that easy? Actually, there are couple of other things you'd need to do.

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2 – Submit your blog social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)
If you don't have profiles on those social media sites, I highly suggest you to create them. It only takes couple of minutes, but it creates some sort of brand awareness to your blog.

Once you've activated your accounts, submit or publish your blog homepage link on them. It has been said that Google uses Facebook and Twitter to crawl and index new pages, so it's worth a shot.

3 – Use free “ping” services
I'm not 100% sure if that works or not, but I've been doing this nevertheless. People on webmaster forums are recommending it, so I suggest you to do the same


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