[How to] Null All MyThemeShop Themes and Plugins


Legend member
Trusted Uploader
May 9, 2020
In the file mythemeshop-connect.php, comment out line 15 which is
private $api_url = "https://mythemeshop.com/mtsapi/v1/";
Then change line 55 to
$connected = true;
Now find the function "get_data()" around line 940 and change this line:
if ( empty( $options ) ) $options = array( 'connected' => false);
to this:
if ( empty( $options ) ) $options = array( 'connected' => true );

Should all be good now.


Well-known member
Null Master
Trusted Uploader
Jul 25, 2018
How to Activate MyThemeShop Themes and Plugins

    December 15, 2019 Posted by author-avatar    *********

15 Dec

Please follow the steps below to activate MyThemeShop themes and plugins.
Step 1:

Make sure you are using a fresh untouched theme again and go to the folder:

“mts_sense/functions/” – this can be any theme. E.g. mts_adsense
Step 2:

In that folder, look for the file “theme-actions.php”. Open that file in a text editor and look for the following lines:

function mts_nhp_sections_override() {
define( 'MTS_THEME_INIT', 1 );

(I found it in line #845 and #846)
Step 3:

Right after the second line, put a “return;” (without quotes).

It should look like this:

function mts_nhp_sections_override() {
define( 'MTS_THEME_INIT', 1 );
if ( class_exists('mts_connection') && defined('MTS_CONNECT_ACTIVE') && MTS_CONNECT_ACTIVE ) {

(do not get confused with the returns that were already there. Those do not need to be touched.)
Step 4:

Deactivate the MyThemeShop Connect plugin.
Step 5:

Save the file and that’s it. That will defeat the Update connector.
Final note:

I guess this will be in a theme by theme basis, but first, I guess most of the themes will have that similar structure and second, that is why I mentioned the two lines. That is because even when the line “define( ‘MTS_THEME_INIT’, 1 )” is unique in that file, it will help you look in any other of the themes you would like to null. You will just need to confirm that it is right after the line “function mts_nhp_sections_override() {“. If not, then that is not the one.

This is for the themes that apply and as for the plugins, as long as you do not install the connect plugin you are good to go.

If something does not work in this or any other theme, just drop a line. I’ll be more than glad to take a look at it for you.


Legend member
Trusted Uploader
May 9, 2020
How to Activate MyThemeShop Themes and Plugins

    December 15, 2019 Posted by author-avatar    *********

15 Dec

Please follow the steps below to activate MyThemeShop themes and plugins.
Step 1:

Make sure you are using a fresh untouched theme again and go to the folder:

“mts_sense/functions/” – this can be any theme. E.g. mts_adsense
Step 2:

In that folder, look for the file “theme-actions.php”. Open that file in a text editor and look for the following lines:

function mts_nhp_sections_override() {
define( 'MTS_THEME_INIT', 1 );

(I found it in line #845 and #846)
Step 3:

Right after the second line, put a “return;” (without quotes).

It should look like this:

function mts_nhp_sections_override() {
define( 'MTS_THEME_INIT', 1 );
if ( class_exists('mts_connection') && defined('MTS_CONNECT_ACTIVE') && MTS_CONNECT_ACTIVE ) {

(do not get confused with the returns that were already there. Those do not need to be touched.)
Step 4:

Deactivate the MyThemeShop Connect plugin.
Step 5:

Save the file and that’s it. That will defeat the Update connector.
Final note:

I guess this will be in a theme by theme basis, but first, I guess most of the themes will have that similar structure and second, that is why I mentioned the two lines. That is because even when the line “define( ‘MTS_THEME_INIT’, 1 )” is unique in that file, it will help you look in any other of the themes you would like to null. You will just need to confirm that it is right after the line “function mts_nhp_sections_override() {“. If not, then that is not the one.

This is for the themes that apply and as for the plugins, as long as you do not install the connect plugin you are good to go.

If something does not work in this or any other theme, just drop a line. I’ll be more than glad to take a look at it for you.
Maybe you want to make some tutorials about how to null themes and plugins.... The info I've posted isn't mine, I found it and I've shared here because I found it useful....
I know isn't easy to null a theme or plugin, but maybe you can explain a little bit what we need to look for and where.... I'm pretty sure who are a coder will know what you'll explain.
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New member
Feb 17, 2021
Esto ya no funciona, aparentemente algunas cosas han cambiado, ahora lo que aparece dentro de este archivo es esto:

 * Plugin Name: MyThemeShop Theme & Plugin Updater
 * Plugin URI: https://mythemeshop.com
 * Description: Update MyThemeShop themes & plugins right from your WordPress dashboard.
 * Version: 3.0.7
 * Author: MyThemeShop
 * Author URI: https://mythemeshop.com
 * License: GPLv2
 * MTS Product Type: Free
 * @package MyThemeShop_Connect

use MyThemeShop_Connect\Core;

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die;

/* Sets the plugin version constant. */
define( 'MTS_CONNECT_VERSION', '3.0.7' );

/* Sets the plugin slug constant. */
define( 'MTS_CONNECT_PLUGIN_FILE', 'mythemeshop-connect/mythemeshop-connect.php' );

/* Sets the path to the plugin directory. */
define( 'MTS_CONNECT_DIR', trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) );

/* Sets the path to the plugin directory URI. */
define( 'MTS_CONNECT_URI', trailingslashit( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ) );

/* Sets the path to the `includes` directory. */
define( 'MTS_CONNECT_INCLUDES', MTS_CONNECT_DIR . trailingslashit( 'includes' ) );

/* Sets the path to the `assets` directory. */
define( 'MTS_CONNECT_ASSETS', MTS_CONNECT_URI . 'assets/' );

/* We're here. */
define( 'MTS_CONNECT_ACTIVE', true );

/* Dependencies. */
$files = array(

    // Legacy classes for backwards compatibility.
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
    require_once MTS_CONNECT_INCLUDES . 'class-' . $file . '.php';

/* Require main class. */
require_once MTS_CONNECT_INCLUDES . 'class-core.php';

/* Hook init. */
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'mythemeshop_connect_init' );
function mythemeshop_connect_init() {
    $mts_connection = Core::get_instance();
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