[ METHOD ] How To Get Low CPC With Facebook Ads


Active member
Jun 22, 2019
I know you are all in full mode with everything related to coronavirus. Today I wanted to share something that might help you make money if we all end up in quarantine and bored out of our minds! :D

Jokes aside, you can, of course, use this to make money now.


USE GIFs for your ads.

Yeah, that’s the secret. :D This is exactly how I get low CPC.


Now, this is NOTHING NEW! Using GIFs is nothing new and yet people are not using them at all or lack creativity to the point where they can’t get clicks at all.

While scrolling FB and IG feed you have literally 2s to catch the attention. All you need is that second, and if they stop you have a pretty good chance to get that click.

With GIFs, I get around $0.05/click for Tier 1 countries, $0.01 for Tier 2, and below $0.01/click for Tier 3 countries. And CTR are through the roof.


This ads are VERY simple. I find topic related gifs by simply searching on Google or gifs sites. Can’t find a good GIF? Create one. Find a video and convert it to GIF.

Always add a simple topic related text directly on that gif in Photoshop. That’s it. Ugly will always sell! Keep it simple, stupid! This should never look too professional.

Popular GIFs sites:

You can use GIFs for anything really, and with a twist or two, this can be applied in any niche.

#1 Entertainment sites

This works AMAZING for those with sites in the entertainment niche, news sites, quiz sites, etc. monetized with Adsense or better with CPM networks, where you can push a ton of cheap traffic.


#2 Ecommerce

This works in ecommerce (dropshipping sites) as well. I’ve tested a ton of image VS video VS gif ads, and gifs outperform every time. Take a product video and convert it to a gif + add a text on it and watch the magic happen :D

#3 Affiliate / service / blog / software / local businesses

Now here is a twist that it’s worth a ton of money.

Let’s say you are promoting an SEO service. You spend some time to find the best relevant interests, an audience that would be interested in your offer. And this is exactly what everyone else is doing as well. How do you win?

Target two completely unrelated interests.

The trick is to target niche relevant interest and use ‘Must also match’ option with an interest in entertainment niche, for example, Iron Man (or anything massively popular, with an audience that is everywhere). You create a creative around that entertainment interest that will catch their attention and use a copy that reflects your offer.


This way you will get a ton of cheap traffic. Send them to a blog post or landing page where you educate them before you try and sell directly.


Bonus tip: If possible, use the same GIF that you used for ads directly on your site as well. This helps with the relevance while still having that image in front of them, and helps with time on site and engagement.

Facebook Ads setup

ALWAYS, always test everything and don’t blindly follow anyone’s advice! Something that works for me might not work for you and vice versa.

This is what works for me.
Objective: Traffic
Budget: I always start with a low $5-10/day, and optimize accordingly. CPC starts massively dropping after the second/third day.
Placement: Facebook News Feed only! IG is way too expensive right now.
Device: Mobile only!


Now that you are getting a ton of traffic to your sites, it’s time to take a step forward and bank from them over and over again.
  • Create custom audiences for retargeting. Retarget them with an offer (CPA/email submits offers work great for entertainment niche. Probably don’t have to explain what to do with stores :D).

  • Create Lookalike audiences, and narrow them down at the beginning with a general interest. + Don't forget to create LAA of visits, buyers, email subscribers, fan page likes, post/ads engagements, and show them some ads.

  • Lock the content on blogs/quiz sites and collect emails/messenger subscribers.

Good luck



Dec 22, 2019
Wow, i'm new in facebook-ads and watched some (udemy) tutorials in past.
But these here are truely cool hacks bro! (y)

Do you have an advice for me, with which tutorial i can learn about the right way to work with FB-pixel and retargeting?
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Active member
Jun 22, 2019
Wow, i'm new in facebook-ads and watched some (udemy) tutorials in past.
But these here are truely cool hacks bro! (y)

Do you have an advice for me, with which tutorial i can learn about the right way to work with FB-pixel and retargeting?

You can learn from Kevin David Fb ads Masterclass (Search on youtube), he has explained well about pixel and all
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Babiato Lover
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Sep 18, 2019
Thank you for sharing something based on your experience! 👍 👍 👍
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