Sale your files, digital content for Bitcoins

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New member
Oct 12, 2020
Ineligible Sales Thread
Introducing a new platform for selling your files for bitcoins.
Minimum commission, fast payment, after the download is completed, double encryption occurs and your files can only be received by the buyer via the download link, 24/7 technical support
You already know such services, and our service is devoid of all flaws.
How it works for the seller:

1.You upload any file and any type or text
2.Write your bitcoin address to which the buyer will send the payment
3.Write the number of sales of your file, you can specify from 1 to infinity, if sales are over, the file is automatically deleted.
4.Click download and share
5.A link will appear to buy the file, you can share the link with the buyer, place it on your website, blog, facebook and so on. After buyer's payment, your money will be sent to your address.

How it works for the buyer:
1.Buyer clicks on the sale link
2.Enters his email and clicks the Submit button
3.QR code and an address for payment will appear, to this address he must send the amount that will also be indicated near the address for payment, the buyer can pay in parts, but the link to download the file will be with him as soon as the entire amount is sent to the address.
4.after full payment and 1 confirmation, a link to download the file will be sent to buyer email, buyer can leave feedback
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