So why do people keep using Elementor (Wordpress) over Webflow?


Well-known member
May 2, 2022
Outer Space
Seriously, why do people keep using Elementor over the highly superior Webflow?

Is it that hard to make the change?

I get some people might be intimidated by Webflow as it could look "more complex" at first glance. But once you climb the initial learning curve, there's no way you could prefer something like Elementor over Webflow.

And again, I get that people fear change, THE HUMANITY FEARS CHANGE. But please, start pushing the boundaries, and start using better, more flexible, robust, smoother and less bloated technology. Push your clients to start using the better option and stop pulling your hair over your overly slow page blder with 244 plugins.


Active member
Babiato Lover
Nov 5, 2019
I think it is better integrated with Wordpress, this is why.

Personally, I prefer Gutenberg blocks. I can extend them by myself. I cannot care more about using any other plugin for layout and UI design. Lately I've been using Generateblocks, because I love Generatepress and the guys behind are really responsive.


Active member
Sep 29, 2019
Question is why people prefer use wordpress over webflow.

WordPress is an open-source project so anyone Can contribute. Big community. Can do many things without limit.

Webflow is a saas solution... That's not your own content. Your are attached whith it.

I prefer keep my freedom and make m'y contribution with the community.
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