Added: General and role setting to avoid indexing users’ profiles
Added: um_prepare_user_results_array_meta hook and the 2nd argument for um_prepare_user_results_array hook for handle $user_ids based on getting members query
Added: Change password email when the password has been reset
Added: jQuery v3 compatibility
Added: An option “Administrator” in a menu settings to make the menu visible for administrators only
Fixed: Creating and removing usermeta data with password_rst_attempts key, just update if exists for now
Fixed: Using ‘edit_users’ capability instead of ‘manage_options’ for approve|reject membership
Fixed: Using ‘manage_options’ capability instead of ‘delete_users’ for switching between members
Fixed: Using myCRED points metakeys in UM usermeta table
Fixed: Empty icons are shown in the popup “Choose from… available icons”
Fixed: Member Directory slider filter with NaN or decimal range
Fixed: PHP notices and warnings
Fixed: Security vulnerability with User Account page and password field
Fixed: User creating without username but based on first+last name with not-ASCII symbols
Fixed: Password reset hash generating more than 1 time
Fixed: Random order type translation string on the member directory
Fixed: Resize and compress images when uploading on User Profile images fields or user wall
Fixed: Displaying more than 1 UM popups on the same page
Fixed: UM dropdown.js position calculation
Fixed: Select2 dropdown block position calculation
Added: ‚Owner and specific roles‘ privacy type for the Profile tabs (#773)
Added: Hooks um_before_email_notification_sending and um_after_email_notification_sending regarding #743 pull-request
Added: Hooks for integration member directory filters with different conditions for query to DB
Fixed: Editing private profiles capability. Removed the priority for „Can edit other member accounts?“ capability when the account is private. (#805)
Fixed: PHP notice when the admin filtering field has the not array default value (e.g. bool)
Fixed: The conflict with Disable Blog plugin regarding this issue. download_routing callback has the highest priority now.
Fixed: Fields privacy functionality. This function um_can_view_field() has been rewritten (#780)
Fixed: Fields privacy + form validation functionality. Skip the field’s validation that aren’t visible on the form based on the privacy settings (#795)
Fixed: PHP notice in the confirm password label thread
Fixed: Confirm password placeholder when label is empty
Fixed: Permanently deleting form’s field (#786)
Fixed: Default value with comma for checkbox field-type (#729)
Fixed: Getting active Profile tab when some of them are hidden
Fixed: Restricted content message is showing twice and removing header, avoid the conflicts with themes that use ‚the_content‘ filter in header or footer (#799)
Fixed: „Is required“ validation for the multiselect field-type when it’s empty on submit
Fixed: Using ‚wp_login_failed‘ hook, added 2nd parameter required since WordPress 5.4 version (#810)