Advanced Custom Fields Pro  - Premium WordPress Plugin

Advanced Custom Fields Pro - Premium WordPress Plugin v6.3.3

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Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.11.3 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= 5.11.3 = Thanks to @bobsmith & @Region25

*Release Date - 24th November 2021*
* Fix - Fixed a bug when accessing field values for options pages registered with a custom post_id

= 5.11.2 =
*Release Date - 24th November 2021*

* Fix - Previously implemented data access changes for get_field() and the_field() are now limited to the ACF shortcode only. [Learn more](
* Fix - get_field() and the_field() functions can once again access meta values regardless of being registered with ACF, restoring functionality that existed before 5.11
* Fix - get_field() and the_field() functions now are only able to access site options which are ACF fields
* Fix - UI issues for select boxes related to Yoast and WooCommerce’s select2 versions by upgrading our select2 version, and updating our CSS to support older versions
* Fix - User fields failed to load values when using the legacy select2 v3 option
* Fix - acf_slugify() now correctly supports special characters which solves issues with block names or field group names (during imports) containing those characters
* Fix - PHP Notice generated while processing a field group’s postbox classes
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.11.1 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.11.1 = Release Date - 18 November 2021

* Enhancement - Added "acf/admin/license_key_constant_message" filter to allow changing of the "Your license key is defined in wp-config.php" message
* Fix - Added warning for when get_field() or similar functions are called before ACF has initialized. [Learn more](
* Fix - Fixed fields not appearing on user REST API endpoints if their field group location was set to a user form other than "all"
* Fix - Fixed warning in REST API if a custom field type did not have the "show_in_rest" property
* Fix - Fixed an error that could occur if value of WYSIWYG field was not a string
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.11.0 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.11 = Release Date - 10 November 2021

* New - Fields can now be viewed and updated with the WordPress REST API (props @mishterk)
* New - License key can now be defined in code with the "ACF_PRO_LICENSE" constant
* Enhancement - Improved error handling for expired or deactivated licenses
* Enhancement - Improved support for various block editor features, such as block styles and padding/spacing
* Enhancement - Added support for using WordPress "Screen Options" to hide field groups in Classic Editor
* Enhancement - Support filters adding custom classes on date and time field inputs
* Enhancement - Support filtering ACF shortcode attributes (with the "shortcode_atts_acf" filter)
* Fix - Removed usages of PHP "extract()" function
* Fix - Fixed a security issue with user field
* Fix - Fixed a security issue with "acf_get_value()"
* Fix - Correctly set ".acf-block-preview" wrapper when previewing a block in auto mode
* Fix - Resolved an issue with select2 rendering for nav menu fields
* Fix - Fixed an issue with file validation that occurred when removing a file that failed validation
* Fix - Fixed a notice in "acf_prepare_field()"
* Fix - Prevented an issue where setting an empty string for the return format of date and time fields would cause JS errors
* Fix - Fix issues with conditional logic for multi-select fields (props @bhujagendra-ishaya)
* Fix - Added support for Google Maps schema change which prevented Google Maps fields from correctly saving the city for some areas
* Fix - Fixed an issue where removing the collapsed property of a repeater prevents viewing previously collapsed rows
* i18n - Updated Polish Translations (props @webnatural)
* Dev - Formatted JavaScript to WordPress code standards
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.10.2 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.10.2 =
*Release Date - 31 August 2021*

* Fix - Fixed block duplication issues which created blocks with duplicate block IDs
* Fix - Fixed an issue with ACF errors displaying in the media library outside of ACF fields
* Fix - Changed label of "Enable Opacity?" to "Allow transparency" in the colour picker
* Fix - Revert "style" attributes of ACF Blocks to 5.9.x behaviour for template compatibility
* Fix - Allow safe HTML inside select2 field labels
* Fix - Don't render the "acf-block-preview" div when preloading blocks in edit mode
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.10.1 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.10.1 = Release Date - 26 August 2021

* Fix - Fixed conflict with WooCommerce loading SelectWoo which is not directly compatible with Select2.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.10.0 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.10 = Release Date - 25 August 2021

* [View Release Post](
* Enhancement - Improved security by running all user-generated content through `wp_kses()` by default
* Enhancement - New ACF Blocks features
* Switched to v2 of the Blocks API for WordPress 5.6+
* Block preloading now enabled by default
* Block preloading now supports blocks set to "Edit" mode
* Add support for full height alignment setting
* Enhancement - Added setting to color picker field to enable an opacity slider
* Enhancement - Allow deletion of first field group location rule if multiple rules have been added thanks to Arthur Shlain
* Fix - Fixed vulnerability with `acf_shortcode()` where users with subscriber role could view arbitrary ACF data, thanks to Keitaro Yamazaki
* Fix - Fixed vulnerability where users with subscriber role could move fields and view field groups, thanks to Keitaro Yamazaki
* Fix - Fixed issue where fields in legacy widgets weren't saving in new widget block editor
* Fix - Fixed issue with custom field validation in scheduled posts
* Fix - Fixed warnings thrown by clone field if the cloned field group is empty
* Fix - Fixed issue where Select2 search input wouldn't have focus in WordPress 5.8+
* Fix - Fixed issue with Select2 value sorting when Yoast SEO is installed
* Fix - Fixed deprecation warnings in block editor in WordPress 5.6+
* i18n - Updated Swedish translation thanks to Erik Betshammar
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.9.9 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.9.9 = Release Date - 20 July 2021

* Fix - Fixed warning when deleting fields which don't exist
* Fix - Fixed issues with older browsers and the blocks JavaScript
* Fix - Fixed file size & file type validation for front end forms using the basic uploader
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.9.8 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.9.8 = Release Date - 08 July 2021

* Fix - Fixed bug causing multiple image fields to not validate files properly
* Fix - Fixed bug preventing case-sensitive HTML tags from working in blocks
* Fix - Fixed bug causing JSX-enabled blocks to improperly remove whitespace in preview
* Fix - Fixed bug causing text fields to remove HTML entities when editing saved fields
* Fix - Fixed deprecated jQuery notices on "Add Field Group" page
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.9.7 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.9.7 = Release Date - 21 June 2021

* Fix - Fixed PHP warnings logged due to incorrect parameter type for `add_menu_page()`/`add_submenu_page()`
* Fix - Fixed bug causing WYSIWYG field to not keep line breaks
* Fix - Fixed bug causing Email field to incorrectly invalidate emails with unicode characters
* Fix - Fixed bug causing file type validation to fail in some cases
* Fix - Fixed bug where newly uploaded or selected images do not contain custom preview size data
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.9.6 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.9.6 = Release Date - 20 May 2021 Thanks To @stefMT

* Enhancement - Added 'position' setting compatibility for Options Page submenus.
* Enhancement - Visually highlight "High" metabox area when dragging metaboxes.
* Fix - Fixed compatibility issue between Block matrix alignment setting and the latest version of Gutenberg (10.6).
* Fix - Fixed bug breaking WYSIWYG field after reordering a child block via the block's toolbar up/down buttons.
* Fix - Added missing "readonly" and "disabled" attributes to DateTime and Time picker fields.
* Fix - Fixed bug incorrectly validating Email field values containing special characters.
* Fix - Fixed missing "dashicons" asset dependency from front-end forms.
* Fix - Fixed bug causing Review JSON diff modal to appear with narrow column since WP 5.7.
* Dev - Added label elements to Repeater, Flexible Content and Clone field's table header titles.
* Dev - Added new `ACF_EXPERIMENTAL_ESC_HTML` constant. [Read more](

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