Advanced Custom Fields Pro  - Premium WordPress Plugin

Advanced Custom Fields Pro - Premium WordPress Plugin v6.3.3

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Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.10 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.10 = Release Date - 12 May 2020

* Fix - Fixed bug in ACF Blocks where "inserter examples" and "block templates" did not load the defined "data".
* Fix - Reverted "fix" in 5.8.9 regarding Taxonomy fields saving terms to non "post" objects.
* Fix - Fixed bug allowing the Image field to save the value of a deleted attachment.
* Fix - Improved Select field `format_value()` behaviour to correctly cast value types depending on the "multiple" setting.
* Tweak - Changed language fallback for "zh_HK" to "zh_TW".
* Tweak - Changed Time Picker field settings to display in a localized format via `date_i18n()`.
* Tweak - Improved CSS styling of menu item fields.
* i18n - Updated Finnish translation thanks to Mikko Kekki
* i18n - Updated French translation thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet.
* i18n - Updated Turkish translation thanks to Emre Erkan.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.9 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.9 = Release Date - 26 March 2020 Thanks To @NullMaster

* Fix - Fixed bug in ACF Blocks causing default "align" property to be ignored.
* Fix - Fixed bug allowing Taxonomy field to save terms to a non "post" object.
* Tweak - Improved User field AJAX query performance.
* Tweak - Improved logic that determines width of Range field input.
* Tweak - Improved styling of ACF Blocks components.
* Dev - Added new "acf/register_block_type_args" filter.
* Dev - Added new generic ACF_Ajax_Query and ACF_Ajax_Query_Users classes.
* i18n - Updated French Canadian translation thanks to Bérenger Zyla.
* i18n - Updated Traditional Chinese translation thanks to Audi Lu.
* i18n - Updated German translation thanks to Ralf Koller.
* i18n - Updated Portuguese language thanks to Pedro Mendonça.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.8 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.8 = Release Date - 4 March 2020

* Fix - Fixed bug in `have_rows()` function causing a PHP warning when no value is found.
* Fix - Fixed bug in Google Maps field causing marker to snap to nearest address.
* Fix - Avoid Nav Menu items displaying twice in WordPress 5.4.
* Tweak - Added place name data to Google Maps field value.
* Tweak - Improved performance of PHP registered fields.
* Dev - Added new "acf/prepare_field_group_for_import" filter.
* i18n - Added Traditional Chinese translation thanks to Audi Lu.
* i18n - Added Catalan translation thanks to Jordi Tarrida.
* i18n - Updated French translation thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet & Bérenger Zyla.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.7 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.7 = Release Date - 12 November 2019

  • New - Updated admin CSS for new WordPress 5.3 styling.
  • Fix - Fixed various issues affecting dynamic metaboxes in the block editor (requires WordPress 5.3)
  • Fix - Fixed performance issue when checking network sites for upgrades.
  • Fix - Fixed Select2 clones appearing after duplicating a Relationship field.
  • Tweak - Repeater field "Add row" icons will now hide when maximum rows are reached.
  • Tweak - Removed ACF Blocks keyword limit for later versions of Gutenberg.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.6 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.6 = Release Date - 24 October 2019

  • New - Added more data to Google Maps field value including place_id, street_name, country and more.
  • Fix - Fixed bug in Gallery field incorrectly displaying .pdf attachments as icons.
  • Fix - Fixed bug in Checkbox field missing "selected" class after "Toggle All".
  • Dev - Added compatibility for Attachments in the Post Taxonomy location rule.
  • Dev - Added missing return statement from acf_get_form() function.
  • Dev - Added "google_map_result" JS filter.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.5 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.5 = Release Date - 8 October 2019

  • New - Added new choice "Add" to the User Form location rule.
  • New - Optimized acf_form() logic when used in combination with acf_register_form().
  • Fix - Fixed bug causing incorrect field order after sync.
  • Fix - Fixed bug reverting the first field type to Text in Firefox version 69.0.1.
  • Fix - Fixed bug causing tinymce issues when changing between block modes.
  • Fix - Fixed bug preventing block registration when category does not exist.
  • Fix - Fixed bug preventing block registration when no icon is declared.
  • Dev - Added RegExp compatibility for innerBlocks.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.4 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.4 = Release Date - 3 September 2019

  • New - Optimized Relationship field by delaying AJAX call until UI is visible.
  • Fix - Fixed bug incorrectly escaping HTML in the Link field title.
  • Fix - Fixed bug showing Discussion and Comment metaboxes for newly imported field groups.
  • Fix - Fixed PHP warning when loading meta from Post 0.
  • Dev - Ensure Checkbox field value is an array even when empty.
  • Dev - Added new ACF_MAJOR_VERSION constant.
  • Like
Reactions: u3f and caracaltaca
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.3 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.3 =
Release Date - 7 August 2019

  • Tweak - Changed Options Page location rules to show "page_title" instead of "menu_title".
  • Fix - Fixed bug causing Textarea field to incorrectly validate maxlength.
  • Fix - Fixed bug allowing Range field values outside of the min and max settings.
  • Fix - Fixed bug in block RegExp causing some blocks to miss the "acf/pre_save_block" filter.
  • Dev - Added $block_type parameter to block settings "enqueue_assets" callback.
  • i18n - Added French Canadian language thanks to Bérenger Zyla.
  • i18n - Updated French language thanks to Bérenger Zyla.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.2 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.2 =
Release Date - 15 July 2019

  • Fix - Fixed bug where validation did not prevent new user registration.
  • Fix - Fixed bug causing some "reordered" metaboxes to not appear in the Gutenberg editor.
  • Fix - Fixed bug causing WYSIWYG field with delayed initialization to appear blank.
  • Fix - Fixed bug when editing a post and adding a new tag did not refresh metaboxes.
  • Dev - Added missing $value parameter in "acf/pre_format_value" filter.
Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.8.1 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.8.1 =
Release Date - 3 June 2019

  • New - Added "Preview Size" and "Return Format" settings to the Gallery field.
  • Tweak - Improved metabox styling for Gutenberg.
  • Tweak - Changed default "Preview Size" to medium for the Image field.
  • Fix - Fixed bug in media modal causing the primary button text to disappear after editing an image.
  • Fix - Fixed bug preventing the TinyMCE Advanced plugin from adding < p > tags.
  • Fix - Fixed bug where HTML choices were not visible in conditional logic dropdown.
  • Fix - Fixed bug causing incorrect order of imported/synced flexible content sub fields.
  • i18n - Updated German translation thanks to Ralf Koller.
  • i18n - Updated Persian translation thanks to Majix.

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